Argia Traductions
Translation and interpretation
French – English > Spanish – Basque
With a graduate degree in translation, I offer translation and proofreading services from English and French into Spanish and Basque. You can also call on me for liaison interpretation needs in French and Spanish, and for transcriptions.
If you need high-quality custom results, entrust the translation of your documents to a professional translator.
Linguistic services
Specialized translation and proofreading
Translation of documents from French and English into Spanish and Basque.
Fields of expertise
– Legal translation
– Commercial and transport translation
– Technical translation
– Gastronomic and wine translation
– Tourism translation
– Others
Liaison interpretation
French <> Spanish liaison interpretation in various fields: business affairs, tourism, training, administration, legal, etc.
Quality transcriptions of your audio files in Spanish and Basque, according to your document template or an established presentation template.
Language training
About me

I grew up in a bilingual family and society and I have always been aware of this richness. I studied English and French in my adolescence, spending several periods in English and French speaking countries. My academic undertaking – Trilingual Secretarial studies, International Trade and, later on, Translation – have a common axis: language. I also studied Italian… I love hearing people speak in their own languages. As you can see, language is a part of my life.
Every language transmits and carries its culture and so is a specific way of understanding reality. That’s one of the reasons I became a translator: to relay the nuances of one language to another.
My interests, professional experiences and varied training courses have led me to specialize in specific areas.
Clic on the links below to learn more about my academic and professional background, my strong guarantees to the client and the Ethical Code that I apply in my profession.
Customer testimonials
Contact and quote request
33000 Bordeaux, France
+33 (0)
SIRET number: 795 388 727 00013
Intra-community VAT number: FR 46 795 388 727